Saturday 2 March 2013

Book Catalogue makes goodreads easier to reach, prevents accidental edits

Book Catalogue is a very good app to keep track of your books. It syncs with goodreads and LibraryThing, and keeps everything locally stored on your phone too. Book Catalogue is a better goodreads app than goodreads own Android app.

It had one major flaw, though. To sync with goodreads you had to dig deep into the menus and scroll through a screen called "admin."

But not anymore. Book Catalogue moved the goodreads sync options straight into the first menu that you see when you hit the menu button (or overflow menu on buttonless phones and tablets). That overflow menu on the action bar is another new thing in Book Catalogue, so now it's finally ready for the Android 4.x age.

What else is new? Book Catalogue now opens your books in a "view only" screen to avoid accidental edits. Of course you can still edit your book details, but you have to push an edit button first.

Book Catalogue

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